Why Think Twice Before Going Gluten-Free

A gluten-free diet excludes wheat, rye, and barley, all of which contain the protein gluten. Celiac disease has been the focus of most research into the gluten-free diet. Still, gluten sensitivity is a condition that can also be problematic for those who suffer from it. (1)

If you have gluten intolerance, you must avoid it at all costs. Not doing so will result in extreme pain and negative health consequences. This comprehensive resource for a gluten-free diet is replete with a mouthwatering sample dinner. Let’s begin with the fundamentals first.

To understand what gluten is, we must first define it. There are four types of gluten: gliadin, gliadin-glucosaminoglycan, and glutenin. Glue is derived from the Latin word for “glue,” which is why it’s called “glue.” (1)

Gluten has a glue-like quality that aids in bread’s capacity to rise during baking. This ingredient provides bread its a chewy texture. Unfortunately, gluten-containing foods make a lot of individuals sick. Celiac disease is the most severe form of gluten intolerance. (1)

When the body erroneously attacks itself, it’s known as an autoimmune illness called Celiac disease. One percent of the population may be afflicted by celiac disease, which has the potential to harm the intestines. (1)

It’s advisable to tell your doctor if gluten causes you any discomfort. These are the most popular methods for determining if a person has celiac disease. There will be a blood draw. A blood test can detect antibodies that wrongly interact with the gluten protein. A tTG-IgA test is the most prevalent. (1)

A small intestinal biopsy. People who get a positive blood test are likely to need a biopsy. A little tissue sample from your colon is removed and examined for signs of damage during this procedure. (1)

Before attempting a gluten-free diet, it is recommended that you have a test for celiac disease performed. Otherwise, it will be difficult for your physician to determine whether or not you have celiac disease. (1)

For those who don’t have celiac disease but believe they are sensitive to gluten, a rigorous gluten-free diet for a few weeks can help alleviate their symptoms. Consult with a medical professional or a dietician if you need assistance. (1)

It can reintroduce symptoms into your diet after a few weeks of avoiding gluten. Something else is probably causing your digestive issues if eliminating gluten from your diet does not affect them. (1)

Certain grains contain a protein family known as the gluten family. People with celiac disease or gluten sensitivity should avoid eating it because of the risks involved.

What Makes Gluten So Dangerous to Some People?

Gluten is safe for the majority of people to consume. Celiac disease and gluten intolerance, on the other hand, are life-threatening conditions. Non-celiac gluten sensitivities and wheat allergies can also cause people to avoid gluten. (2)

There are two main reasons someone might desire to avoid gluten outside of an allergy.

1. Celiac Disease

A small percentage of the world’s population suffers from celiac disease. It is an autoimmune condition in which the body misinterprets gluten as a foreign object. The body assaults the gluten proteins as a defense mechanism in overreacting to this “danger.” (2)

As a result of this onslaught, the gut wall and other body regions are also damaged. A deficiency of vitamins and minerals might result from this, as well as anemia and other serious health problems. (2)

Sharp stomach pain, diarrhea, constipation, rashes on the skin, stomach bloating, weight loss, and anemia are all symptoms of celiac disease that can be alleviated with treatment. (2)

Some persons with celiac disease don’t have any digestive issues. Individuals may suffer from exhaustion, melancholy, or even anemia when this happens. Many other medical illnesses share many symptoms of celiac disease, making it difficult to diagnose. (2)

2. Sensitivity to Gluten in People Who Aren’t Celiacs

According to research, up to 13% of the population may suffer from non-celiac gluten sensitivity. There is no evidence that those diagnosed with non-celiac gluten sensitivity have celiac disease or a wheat allergy. However, even after consuming gluten, patients continue to have symptoms of gastrointestinal distress. (3)

As with gluten sensitivity, the symptoms of non-celiac gluten sensitivity are similar to those of celiac disease and include stomach ache, gas, bloating, and abnormalities in stool motion. (3)

There is a lot of debate over non-celiac gluten sensitivity. One school of thought holds that such sensitivity does exist, while the other holds that it’s all in people’s heads. Non-celiac gluten sensitivity was the subject of one study that included 35 participants. In a blinded study, researchers provided participants with wheat-based and gluten-free flour at different points. (3)

In two-thirds of the cases studied, people could not discern the difference between gluten-free and wheat-based flour. The gluten-free flour made nearly half of the participants’ symptoms worse. (3)

These symptoms may also be caused by other irritants, such as FODMAPS—short-chain carbohydrates that can induce digestive difficulties. Despite this, there is some evidence that gluten intolerance exists. (3)

Non-celiac gluten sensitivity remains a controversial topic, with conflicting results from studies. As long as you’re not allergic to gluten, you must tell your doctor if you’re experiencing any symptoms. (3)

Celiac disease and non-celiac gluten sensitivity can create problems for some people, although most people can handle gluten.

Foods That You Should Avoid

It can be difficult to avoid gluten altogether. As a result, it can be found in a wide range of common substances used in food preparation. The following are the most common food items that contain gluten:

  • Products made from flour and grains like spelt and durum, as well as semolina made from wheat bran, are examples of wheat-based meals, including Barley, Rye, and Triticale Malt Yeast. (4)

Foods that have gluten include the following:

  • Bread: Everything is made from wheat.
  • Pasta: Pasta is made solely from wheat.
  • Cereals: Except if it’s marked gluten-free.
  • Sweets that are made from scratch in a kitchen. Your pastries, cakes, cookies, muffins, pizza, and breadcrumbs are included.
  • Snack food: Candy, granola bars, crackers and other prepackaged convenience meals, roasted almonds, flavored chips and popcorn, pretzels, and other salty snacks.
  • Sauces: Salad dressings and marinades use soy sauce and other Asian-inspired sauces like teriyaki and hoisin to flavor their dishes.
  • Beverages: Flavored liquors, such as beer and wine.
  • Other kinds of food: Spaghetti and broth (unless labeled gluten-free).
  • Unprocessed, single-ingredient meals are the most straightforward and convenient way to avoid gluten. Anyhow, it’s always a good idea to scrutinize the ingredients list on most items you purchase.

Gluten-free oats are an inherent characteristic of the grain. As they may have been prepared in the same facility as wheat-based foods, these products are frequently contaminated with gluten. (4)

Many foods contain gluten, making a gluten-free diet difficult. Whole, single-ingredient foods are the best approach to avoid it.

Foods That Are Good for You

Many gluten-free options allow you to eat nutritious and tasty meals.

Naturally gluten-free foods include:

  • Meats and seafood. Only battered or coated meats are excluded from this list.
  • Eggs. The intrinsic gluten-free properties of all egg varieties make them a safe option for gluten-free diets.
  • Dairy. Plain milk, yogurt, and cheese are all examples of this. On the other hand, flavored dairy products may have gluten-containing additives, so check the labels before buying.
  • Vegetables and fruits are good sources of vitamins and minerals. Gluten is naturally absent from all fruits and vegetables.
  • Grains. In addition to quinoa and rice, there are tapioca and buckwheat and tapioca and sorghum and corn millet amaranth, and arrowroot (if labeled gluten-free)
  • Flour and starch. Maize, corn flour, chickpea flour, soy flour, almond meal/flour, coconut flour, and tapioca flour are some of the more common plant-based ingredients.
  • Seeds and nuts. Every type of nut and seed.
  • Oils and spreads. Oils made from vegetable sources as well as butter are included.
  • Spices and herbs, both dried and fresh. All of the herbs and spices.
  • Beverages. Except for beer, the majority of drinks (unless labeled as gluten-free).
  • Reading the food labels is the best way to determine if a food item is gluten-free.

Any of these naturally gluten free food can be easily found. You’ll be able to come up with a wide range of tasty and nutritious dishes. (4)

How Eating Grain-Free Can Improve Your Health

People with celiac disease, in particular, can reap the many advantages of a gluten-free diet.

A gluten-free diet has the following advantages:

1. Possibly Relieves Digestive Issues

A gluten-free diet is a standard treatment for digestive issues. Among them are abdominal discomfort, gas, weariness, and other signs and symptoms of digestive distress. (5)

According to research, people with celiac disease and non-celiac gluten sensitivity can benefit from a gluten-free diet. For six months, 215 persons with celiac disease ate nothing but gluten. It significantly reduced Constipation, diarrhea, nausea, and other unpleasant symptoms thanks to this eating plan. (5)

Those with Celiac Disease may benefit from taking this supplement. Inflammation is a normal part of the body’s healing process. An inflammatory response may extend for weeks, months, or even years. Chronic inflammation is the medical term for this condition, resulting in many health issues. (5)

People with Celiac disease may benefit from a decrease in chronic inflammation brought on by a gluten-free diet. In several studies, a gluten-free diet has been proven to lower markers of inflammation, such as antibody levels. Celiac disease patients may also benefit from it since gluten-related inflammation can damage the gut. (5)

People with non-celiac gluten intolerance can have low inflammation as well. The gluten-free diet, however, may not be able to reduce inflammation in these persons, and further research is needed. (5)

2. Enhance Your Stamina

Many people with celiac disease are frequently fatigued or suffer from “brain fog.” Deficiencies in nutrients may be the cause of these symptoms. Anemia, which is frequent in celiac patients, can be caused, for example, by an iron shortage. (5)

Gluten-free diets have been shown to improve energy levels in people with celiac disease, preventing them from feeling sluggish. Sixty-six percent of celiac disease patients in recent research reported feeling tired. Only 22% of participants still felt fatigued after a gluten-free diet. (5)

3. Can Help You Get in Shape

When following a gluten-free diet, it’s not uncommon to see weight loss. This is because it excludes a large number of items that are high in calories. Fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins are frequently substituted for these unhealthy options. (5)

Processed “gluten-free” foods such as cakes and pastries can quickly add a lot of calories to your diet, so it is crucial to avoid them. A diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and lean protein is the best way to get your body’s nutrients to function at their optimal level. (5)

Those who have celiac disease can benefit significantly from a gluten-free diet. It may ease digestive symptoms, chronic inflammation reduced, cause energy levels to increase, and cause weight loss. (5)

4. Negative Effects

A gluten-free diet, despite its many health benefits, has some drawbacks. Following a gluten-free diet can have the following consequences:

5. Deficiency in Nutrition

Several dietary deficits can occur in people who have celiac disease: Vitamin A, D, E, and K deficiency and other nutritional inadequacies. A surprising finding is that a gluten-free diet does not appear to aid in treating nutrient shortages. (5)

Gluten-free diets have been linked to increased consumption of processed foods marketed as “gluten-free” rather than fresh produce like fruits and vegetables. A lack of B vitamins, such as folate, is another problem with gluten-free diets. (5)

Fortified bread is an essential source of B vitamins; therefore, those who avoid gluten risk falling short in this area. Pregnant celiacs should be mainly concerned, as B vitamins are critical to developing a healthy baby. (5)

6. Constipation

On a gluten-free diet, constipation is common. Bread, bran, and other wheat-based items are familiar sources of fiber in gluten-free diets. They are consuming a diet high in fiber may aid in the maintenance of regular bowel motions. (5)

Gluten-free replacements for wheat-based items, on the other hand, are sometimes lacking in fiber. On a gluten-free diet, constipation is prevalent, and it may be because of this. (5)

You can relieve constipation on a gluten-free diet by increasing your intake of high-fiber foods, such as broccoli, beans, Brussels sprouts, and berries. (5)

7. Cost

Sticking to a gluten-free diet on a tight budget might be challenging. According to research, the cost of gluten-free goods is approximately two and a half times more than the cost of ordinary foods, according to a study. (5)

This is due to the higher production costs associated with gluten-free products. Gluten-free meals, for example, must undergo more stringent testing and avoid contamination. If you’re on a low budget, try to consume more whole, single-ingredient foods. (5)

8. Makes It Difficult to Interact with Others

Food has a crucial role in many social situations. If you’re trying to avoid gluten, it can be challenging to meet new people. Even if a restaurant offers gluten-free options, there is a chance that it will taint the food. (5)

Unfortunately, statistics show that about 21% of people with celiac disease forego social gatherings to maintain a gluten-free diet. Having said that, if you’re gluten-free, you can still go out with friends. It just necessitates a little more work upfront. (5)

Make a call to the restaurant ahead of time to find out if they have gluten-free options, for example. Bring your food if you’re attending a social event. (5)

Gluten-free dieters may experience nutritional deficiency and constipation due to their dietary restrictions. A gluten-free diet can be prohibitively expensive and make it difficult to interact with others. (5)

Practical Suggestions

Eating gluten free can be made easier with the following helpful hints:

  • Food labels are there to tell you what you’re eating. You can identify gluten-free items by examining food labels.
  • Tell everyone you know. When you tell your friends about your diet, they’re more inclined to pick restaurants that have gluten-free food.
  • Invest in a gluten-free cookbook Cooking can be more fun if you use your imagination, so try it out.
  • Plan ahead of time. If planning a trip to another country, do your homework on where to dine and shop before going. Focus on whole, unadulterated foods like lean meat, veggies, and fruit in your diet.
  • It would help if you separated cooking utensils. It’s best to keep your cooking and cleaning supplies separate in the event of a shared kitchen with other people. People with gluten sensitivities should avoid contaminating their diet with gluten from other people’s.
  • Please pack a lunch. Bring gluten-free bread and pasta when you visit relatives. This way, you won’t feel like missing out on family dinners.

A gluten-free diet isn’t necessary if you don’t have celiac disease or gluten sensitivity. It has numerous health advantages but restricts several otherwise beneficial foods. The guidelines above can help those who find it challenging to adhere to a gluten-free diet. (6)

To Sum It Up

Gluten is safe for the vast majority of people to consume. People with celiac disease and gluten intolerance must avoid it since it can have detrimental effects.(6)

Although a gluten-free diet limits your choices, you can still enjoy many healthful and delectable foods. Focus on whole, single-ingredient foods such as fresh produce and lean protein. Keep your tummy happy and stay healthy with these foods.(6)

As a result, a gluten-free diet has numerous health advantages. It has improved digestion, reduced inflammation, increased energy, and even aided weight loss. (6)


  1. https://www.consumerreports.org/diets/think-twice-about-gluten-free-diet/
  2. https://www.inverse.com/article/56043-gluten-free-diet-lifestyle-celiac-disease-weight-loss
  3. https://www.health.harvard.edu/nutrition/think-twice-before-going-gluten-free
  4. https://agrilife.org/fcstraviscounty/2017/10/02/think-twice-going-gluten-free/
  5. https://intermountainhealthcare.org/blogs/topics/live-well/2017/11/beware-of-avoiding-gluten-if-you-dont-have-celiac-disease/
  6. https://health.ph360.me/ph360/why-you-should-think-twice-before-going-gluten-free/
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