Adiponectin and Weight Loss

A, D, E, and K are fat-soluble vitamins that we all have in our bodies, but we can’t absorb them if we don’t have fatty tissue. Also, we require fat in order to make hormones, to serve as an energy source, and to cushion certain parts of our bodies, such as the buttocks. Fat also helps to reduce heat loss in our bodies. That is to say if you had no fat tissue, sitting down would be extremely uncomfortable.

It’s called adipose tissue, and while we need a certain amount of it, having too much is harmful. Most adipose tissue (also known as visceral fat or subcutaneous fat) is located around the internal organs or directly under the surface of the skin.

Being overweight or obese, or having excess fatty tissue, can put you at risk for health problems like heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and some cancers. And today, we’ll dig more into adiponectin and whether or not it helps in weight loss. Better stick with us to learn more about this topic.

What Does Adiponectin Do?

Cells in adipose tissue secrete a protein called adiponectin, which is found in human fat. However, scientists have discovered that people who are obese and have a lot of visceral fat in their bodies have lower levels of adiponectin in their blood.

It’s now known that adiponectin is involved in the dangers of having too much visceral fat, such as insulin resistance and the development of type 2 diabetes if not addressed. Those of us with low levels of adiponectin are at greater risk of developing these conditions.

Adiponectin seems to be a fascinating subject! It’s a fat-burning hormone, in a nutshell. There’s more. This fat-burning benefit was seen in certain animal models without a corresponding rise in appetite. Adiponectin is a hormone generated and released by fat cells that aids in weight loss by increasing insulin sensitivity.

Think of adiponectin as the fat factor that ironically leads to its own demise: it’s produced by your fat but also helps to burn it up!  Here are my top eight ways to give your adiponectin a boost, just in time for bikini season.

How to Increase Your Adiponectin

So, you’ve gained a few pounds. What’s the big deal? Isn’t it true that fat cells just sit there doing nothing?

Wrong! For a long time, medical professionals held this belief. That’s just not true, which is unfortunate for a lot of people. Adipose tissue, which includes fat cells, has an effect on your health. These cells have a direct influence on how much, where, and how long your body stores its stored energy.

Adiponectin, a hormone secreted by fat cells, is one of the most important. This incredible hormone helps you lose weight by regulating how your body uses fats and sugar. Inflammation and cholesterol build-up in the arteries can be reduced as well, which is a nice bonus.

Our ability to burn fat increases in direct proportion to our level of adiponectin, in other words, our fat cells produce a hormone that aids in fat burning, if you can comprehend that. What a revelation, eh?

Your next question is likely to be: how can I raise my adiponectin levels so that I can lose weight faster? So, here we go:

1. Add some antioxidants to your diet

Cyanidin 3-glucoside, now there’s a compound name to get used to. Make a mental note of blueberries! Blueberries contain an antioxidant called anthocyanin, which aids in elevating adiponectin levels. So, if you’re a berry fan—it’s time to rejoice!

2. Get some oil change

Daily consumption of omega-3 fatty acids, such as those found in fish, raised levels of adiponectin. High-monounsaturated-fat foods such as avocados, almonds, and olive oil may also assist.

Adiponectin levels are increased by 14-60% when people consume foods high in monounsaturated fats such as fish oil. What’s more, these fats are some of the most delectable on the market! Avocados, almonds, olives, and olive oil are all included. Adiponectin production has been found to be triggered by safflower oil. I suggest taking 4 capsules of safflower oil-derived conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) each day to obtain your daily health-promoting dosage of this oil. In addition to Pureform Omega, we offer the most Marine-Based Omega 3’s, which is a great fish oil derived from marine sources.

Adiponectin levels rose by 60-115 percent after consuming fiber. It’s critical, as it has the potential to aid in the stabilization of blood sugar. Ensure you are getting enough fiber by checking the amount of fiber in each meal. Unless that’s the case, extra fiber should be included.

3. Boost up on fiber

Old-fashioned fiber is still the undisputed leader in the fight against obesity, but cutting-edge research now explains why that’s the case. Adiponectin levels rose by as much as 115% when people added fiber to their diets, according to the study results.

A fiber-rich diet also helps maintain glucose stability, as well as decreasing the blood sugar rise that follows a meal, and this, in turn, improves insulin sensitivity. I can’t stress enough how important it is to get 35 grams of dietary fiber each day, spread out across four meals. In spite of the fact that it’s very easy, it has significant effects on your weight loss and hormonal balance There’s a lot more on fiber here and here.

4. It’s time to exercise

Moderate physical activity three times per week has been shown to substantially raise adiponectin levels, according to research. Walking at least three times per week as part of the Hormone Boost exercise results in an increase in adiponectin levels that lasts for up to 72 hours.

It’s been tested and true for a long time. For some reason, we keep coming back to this recipe. We increase adiponectin levels when we work out. Moderate exercise for at least 30 minutes, three times a week, can boost levels. In my view, that’s a fine place to start, but I’d suggest performing moderate activity 4-5 days in a week.

5. Try drinking your zinc during bedtime

Iranian Journal of Diabetes and Obesity found that individuals who took 50 mg of zinc had substantially higher levels of adiponectin than the control group (June 2012). For the first 12 weeks, take 50 mg of zinc citrate or zinc picolinate three times a day, then decrease the dosage or switch to a multivitamin that contains zinc. Our clinic has two great zinc supplements: Zinc and Whey Isolate.

6. Bring back the coffee in your diet

Regular coffee consumption has been linked to an increase in adiponectin levels and a reduction in pro-inflammatory cytokines, which could boost weight loss and reduce inflammation levels. The Hormone Boost recommends organic, fair trade coffee; you can enjoy a cup early in the day or before a workout for best results.

Even if caffeine doesn’t agree with me, research shows that people who drink coffee or tea regularly have higher levels of adiponectin than those who don’t. White or green tea, for example, contain the polyphenol EGCG, which has numerous health benefits. If you must have caffeinated beverages, at the very least choose organic coffee.

7. Red wine can be your next best friend

If you’re healthy in every manner, raise your glass! Resveratrol, an antioxidant found in grapes, also has additional benefits. Researchers from the University of Texas Health Science Center in San Antonio published a study in 2011 in The Journal of Biological Chemistry that showed resveratrol stimulated the production of adiponectin. Resveratrol has anti-aging and anti-obesity effects, and so does adiponectin. You may also supplement with resveratrol, which I recommend taking in the form of two capsules every day, first thing in the morning.

8. Take your carbohydrates during dinner time

Afternoon carbohydrates might help you sleep better at night. People with severe and morbid obesity, according to a Hebrew University of Jerusalem study conducted in 2012, may benefit from an experimental diet high in carbs consumed mostly at supper rather than throughout the day. An increase in the daytime synthesis of adiponectin appears to be related to this diet’s ability to alter the secretion patterns of hunger and fullness hormones as well as metabolic syndrome-associated hormones

9. Try staying in a cold environment.

Cold weather is something of a love/hate for me. My experience with it is positive; it works and I enjoy the results, but the process isn’t always enjoyable. Increasing adiponectin may occur when you sleep in a cold environment, according to research conducted at 66 F (19 C). Sweating causes an increase in adiponectin that lasts only a short time.

Other Ways to Lose Weight

Based on InBody Body Composition Analysis, metabolism involves the chemical reactions that enable the body to extract energy from food. Calories are broken down into usable energy by your body and used by it at a certain rate called metabolism. A variety of factors can influence your metabolism. Your metabolism is influenced by a variety of factors, including your height, weight, gender, age, and family genetic makeup.

  • Hormones – Testosterone tends to increase muscle mass while decreasing body fat; thus, males tend to have a higher metabolism than women.
  • Increased Muscle Mass — Muscle cells, for example, need more energy than fat cells. Thus people with more significant muscle have a higher metabolism on average. This
  • Daily Routine – Incorporating exercise into your daily routine is an excellent method to boost your metabolism and help in your weight reduction goals.
  • Age – A person’s metabolism slows down due to muscle loss as they become older. Metabolic rate decreases by 5 to 10 percent per decade.

Increasing your muscular mass raises your metabolism significantly. Increase your daily activity by at least 60 minutes to help you shed pounds faster. At first, it may seem challenging to finish a 60-minute workout, therefore it’s a good idea to do it in three 20-minute halves.

Herbs that Help You Increase Adiponectin and Lose Weight

Trying to keep to a tight diet is very tough, as anybody who has ever done so will attest to. Preparing tasty and nutrient-dense meals is one method to help you stay on track with your diet. Flavoring your meals with herbs and spices not only adds taste but may also help you lose weight. In order to increase your metabolism and speed up the process of weight loss, try one of these five popular herbal remedies.


Curcumin (another name for turmeric) reduces inflammation, which is linked to weight gain when consumed in large amounts. Turmeric boosts adiponectin synthesis and insulin sensitivity while also acting at the fat cell level. Reduces inflammation in fat cells by increasing the hormone adiponectin and decreasing the hormone resistin and leptin levels.

Also known for its taste, color, and medicinal qualities, turmeric is a vibrant yellow spice. Curcumin, the primary active ingredient in turmeric, is the spice’s primary anti-inflammatory agent. Curcumin helps you lose weight by decreasing abdominal fat and increasing fat loss. Curcumin prevents fat from being synthesized by preventing fat production using curcumin. Due to the fact that turmeric is a warming spice, it raises your body’s temperature, which helps to speed up your metabolism. Efficacy in the Treatment of Pain

Turmeric’s anti-inflammatory qualities help to keep things in balance by reducing local inflammation as well as systemic inflammation. It may also reduce insulin resistance and slow the development of adipose tissue while also regulating blood sugar levels. Turmeric also stimulates the production of bile, which the body uses to emulsify fat.

Take one or two capsules of vitamins on an empty stomach if you want (30 minutes before a meal or two hours after). In the event of heartburn, you should take the medication with meals instead. Turmeric’s primary curcuminoid, curcumin, did you know? If you don’t want to eat turmeric, a great supplement to take is Vitamin Curcumin. See our previous newsletter for more information on the amazing properties of this lovely spice.


Ginger is a Southeast Asian herb that has long been utilized in Chinese medicine. Ginger’s primary active ingredient is gingerol, which is responsible for many of the herb’s health benefits.

Ginger has potent anti-inflammatory properties and aids in the body’s fight against oxidative stress. In terms of weight loss and waist-to-hip ratio reduction, ginger pills may be very beneficial. As a bonus, ginger also aids with weight loss and blood sugar control. Ginger has been proven in studies to boost metabolism while also decreasing overall inflammation, according to the authors.


Oregano is a powerful Italian culinary herb with a strong scent. This tasty plant is loaded with weight-loss-inducing chemicals and antioxidants. Carvacrol, thymol, and rosmarinic acid are among the terpenoids, terpenes, and phenols found in oregano.

Carvacrol has been shown to help people lose weight. It affects the body’s ability to synthesize fat by interfering with certain proteins and genes. And since it reduces inflammation and discomfort, oregano may help you do more physical activity.


The herb fenugreek has a long history of usage in alternative medicine and is also found in a wide range of Indian cuisine. To enhance your food’s sweet-nutty taste, add this common spice in your cooking. Fenugreek seeds include iron, magnesium, and manganese, all of which are beneficial to health.

Fenugreek has been shown to be effective in the treatment of metabolic disorders including diabetes. 50 mg of grated methi with meals has been shown to enhance blood sugar, insulin function, and decrease bad cholesterol in one research.

Fenugreek contains fiber, which aids in weight loss by curbing hunger pangs. A decrease in appetite and consumption may help in weight reduction. It also helps to decrease systemic inflammation, which may impede the body’s ability to use food as fuel.


Ginseng is another plant that is often included in herbal formulas. This plant’s roots have gotten a lot of scientific attention. It’s been shown time and time again in studies that ginseng may assist increase metabolism and help people lose weight. When ginseng is used in conjunction with regular exercise and a well-balanced diet, you will see greater reductions in body fat and weight than if these measures are used alone.

The effects of ginseng on adiponectin, leptin, and insulin influence fat and cholesterol metabolism. Ginkgo Biloba’s active ingredients (ginsenosides) aid in weight reduction by decreasing appetite and keeping insulin levels stable. Finally, ginseng helps you feel more energized and less tired. Taken frequently, ginseng improves the body’s detoxification system’s ability to remove free radicals and reduce oxidative stress.

Herbs have many therapeutic uses, and they may also improve the taste of food. Turmeric, ginseng, and oregano are among the herbs that may help your body burn fat more efficiently, boost your metabolism, and curb your hunger.


In the end, adiponectin can help promote weight loss contrary to popular belief. That’s why we’ve gathered ways on how you can increase your adiponectin levels to increase your weight loss. But if you have pre-existing conditions, always remember to consult with your primary physician before trying to increase your adiponectin levels.


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