Eating small portions and still feeling full is challenging but achievable. Eating smaller portions throughout the day allows your body with time to process calorie intake. Psychologically we feel full if we continue eating and it becomes an emotional exercise. To give our bodies a rest, it becomes important to eat smaller meals than continue with binge eating. Eating healthy comprises a method to provide your body with the vitamins and minerals it needs. It becomes important to stay away from binging, eat what you feel like and emotional food consumption.
In our modern world, we attempt to feel better by overeating that causes increased body weight to an unhealthy level. Diverse sicknesses began to develop because of incorrect eating patterns. The subsequent overeating of junk and fatty foods increase occurrences of diabetes or obesity on a global level.
In addition, we continue to experience diverse heart problems that lead to more serious health challenges. Society needs to understand that eating comprises more than just a generic daily activity. We need to plan, schedule, and control our food consumption. To allow the management of our eating habits, we should focus on the utilization of small meal portions. This we can achieve by eating foods that make us feel satisfied without experiencing food cravings. Small meal portions focus on a combination of good food that makes you feel full.
To manage the way our bodies operate and feel, it becomes important to eat smaller meals throughout the day. Another method includes the ability to trick your brain by filling your plate with lots of vegetables. We rely on starch to make us feel full and subsequently load our plates unnecessary. Instead of eating large starchy meals, managing smaller food portions allows your body to feel more energetic. If you mix your meals with protein contents, it will enable your body to feel fuller than the consumption of carbs. Combining the correct food types during the day prevents your body from feeling starved or continuously wanting something to eat (1).
The article below aims to provide guidance and recommendations related to how to eat small portions and still feel full. It attempts to explain the changes your body goes through when consuming less food, how you can measure your meals, and how to stay full. First, we need to understand the effects of smaller meals and foods that make you feel full.
What effects can a person feel when eating smaller meals?
Eating smaller, more frequent meals allows your body to maintain good metabolism. If your metabolism keeps working, it provides for a continuous break up of fats and sugars. Many times, we increase our body weight because our system struggles to break down all the high energy food intakes. If a person already struggles with a low metabolism rate, the use of smaller meals becomes important (5).
Research has shown that people who focus on bite count control may realize how much they overeat daily. For example, people attempting to take smaller bites prefer smaller meals instead of eating a lot of food. Eating small portions of food requires mindful thinking, and this includes the understanding of the bites a person takes (6).
Researchers showed that persons who eat slow eat less and become satisfied quicker than eating fast. Texture also plays a role in which high energy-dense foods can cause overeating during meal times. If a person eats slower, it can address the concern of too much food consumption (12).
Individuals who think before they eat and meditate about the effect of large meals on their system eat lesser quantities. Persons who aim to think logically about the impacts of food on their bodily system may experience significant weight loss. If a person minds what they eat, measure their food intake and become a less emotional eater, it allows for a well-planned eating program (7).
What food types help you feel full?
Various food types make you feel full and prevent a person from overeating during the day. Oatmeal used as a meal or combined with smoothie mixes allows a person to feel full instantly. It comprises minimum calories, minimal fat, and lots of fiber. Using grapefruit permits a person to fill up quickly because of the high contents of the water in the food type. It also presents low sugar levels and a small quantity of fiber.
Using almonds can easily contain your hunger and make you feel full over a longer time. Combining almonds with other food types allows you to eat smaller meals during the day. Egg whites comprise low-calorie levels, but if mixed with other foods, it allows you to feel content with your meal intake (2).
A meal strategy becomes important to develop and understand what food types may change your eating patterns. For example, use cognitive thinking to understand your levels of fullness and what you need to eat healthily (3). The influences of your senses play an intrinsic role in the manner your body operates and determines the food quantities it needs.
How do I measure small size meals?
It becomes important to measure your meal portions before filling your meal plate. For example, compare your meal sizes to things you know. Different measurements used to define your meal size allow a person to work out what they should eat and align with their bodily requirements. Measure your yogurt intake with one medium cup or the veggie portion size with a medium glass of wine. Fill a ½ cup with starch and only eat meat the size of your hand palm (4).
It also helps to make use of the measure cups or spoons you use in the kitchen. Attempt to measure your foods when filling your plate. After a while, one remembers the quantities of food you can use. In addition, the body becomes used to smaller meal portions and automatically feel uncomfortable when you eat too much. Can fresh foods allow you to eat less? Let’s see what the next chapter says.
Can cooking fresh meals allow a person to eat smaller portions and feel full?
Using fresh foods to cook your meal allows a person to prepare small high nutrition meals. If we order fast foods, we consume the whole pizza or burger. After consuming large quantities of fast foods, one feels uncomfortable and quickly becomes hungry again. You feel worse off when eating pizzas than taking small portions of fresh foods that keep you full.
Fresh food intake allows the body to receive a balanced quantity of calories and stay full for much longer. Fresh food normally relates to diverse fruits, vegetables, and proteins that one can easily include in a balanced meal. Using fresh foods allows your system to collect the calories it requires over a longer time. It also presents an ability to feel healthier during the day and less likely becoming tired because of fatty food consumption.
What benefits can we see from eating smaller meals?
Sometimes one wonders about the necessity of fussing over healthy food and dietary planning. It benefits you and your family to follow a balanced meal diet aligned with a small portion meal approach. Research showed that in time, people started to eat more food quantities than they should. Initially, society used lesser food portions but stayed full during the day.
Research indicated that historically, people used one cup of cooked macaroni to prepare a meal. During modern times, we sometimes use two cooked cups to make up the starch in our plates. Increasingly, people started changing food practices to align with new social habits and order larger meal sizes. For example, the consumption of large burgers or pies started to become the norm. Your typical Sunday meals transformed by eating large quantities of home-cooked vegetables to fast food burgers.
How do we enjoy eating smaller meals? If we eat less, we feel better and less likely to become bloated. Our energy levels become more stabilized when eating smaller meal portions. If we focus on eating more freshly made balanced meals, it decreases our spend on fast foods (8).
If cutting your meal sizes, you should not replace them with additional food intakes. Many times we feel hungry after taking a small meal that makes us consume fattening foods. Ensure planning your meal properly with food that allows you to feel full. Drinking lots of water becomes important during your meal intake. Water allows your body to feel full before you eat and prevent unnecessary overeating (9).
Establish what your current dietary meal plan looks like and make a list of your average calorie intake. Attempt to half the size of your calorie absorption by reducing your food portions by 1/3 at least. It allows your body to adapt to the new meal portion sizes. Plan your daily meal portions by taking notes of what you eat.
For example, keep a daily eat journal and keep a record of your food consumption. Using a diet journal allows you to record your food quantities, the food types, the regularity of eating patterns and foods that made you feel full. The data allows a person to think logically about the food portions and make an analysis of it. Critical thinking during planning your dietary schedule allows you to psychologically become aware of your eating pattern (10). Portion control not only relates to eating smaller meal sizes but also clever thinking when filling your plate.
Smaller portions mean that you fill your plate with good foods aligned with your body requirements. Depending on daily activities, it becomes important to align your calorie intake with your lifestyle. People who exercise eat more and less active individuals should consume lesser foods. The required food intake management needs a scientific approach and includes the consumption of small meal portions. These small meal portions allow you to not only feel better but to manage high fat intake that can lead to poor health conditions (11).
What small meal examples can one follow?
Various examples of meal examples provide an insight into the simplicity of planning a small portion meal. A bean and egg mix salad, for example, allows the body to feel full easily. The size of small meal portions should include an average of 300 calories daily. Drinking a glass of water before you eat allows your body to feel full and prevent a person from overeating. Focus on foods that make you feel full but over a long time, for example, egg white. Adding an egg to your meals increases the likelihood of feeling full and preventing emotional eating. Small meal portions allow your body to burn calories and create the energy you need. Some small portion meal examples include the following (13):
One boiled egg, one slice of whole-wheat toast, one grapefruit and one small yogurt or one dessert spoon of tuna, one piece of whole wheat bread and one small apple.
½ cup of brown rice, 1 cup cooked broccoli, a small piece of salmon or mixed salad with beans, egg, and tomato.
½ cup of cooked carrots, a small piece of chicken breast, ½ cup cooked macaroni or hand palm-size, lean beef, ½ cup quinoa, and ½ cup spinach.
In summary, eating smaller meals allows a person to consume lesser calories and live healthier. Planning your meals should comprise defined planning exercises aligned with your body requirements. People who eat smaller portions during the day become less hungry and in need of junk food.
Smaller portion diets relate to finding the balance between your food consumption and the activity levels you normally take part in. If you a fitness supporter, your food consumption presents a different outlook than the less active person. A person’s body requires fuel to generate constant energy, and smaller meals keep the fire burning.
Metabolisms struggle to consume large quantities of food intake and switch the calories into fat. To allow your body to keep burning those calories, provide the system with an absorbable food quantity, and eat smaller portions. Eating high levels of carbs, especially at dinner, impacts the manner your body burns calories. Because your body struggles to burn high-density foods, it can impact your sleeping pattern, for example.
Balanced eating requires a person to take out the measuring cups or spoons and only consume what you need, not what you feel like. Constant eating becomes an emotional problem, and help from a health practitioner becomes necessary. How to eat small portions and still feel full requires a balanced calorie intake, drinking water before you eat and fill a smaller plate with more greens than starches.